Training Sessions for Teachers
Grant Writing Tips & Tricks
A successful grant application tells a story. Discover tips and tricks to articulate a compelling story and generate interest. You’ll put those tips and tricks to work with hands-on activities. Good grant vs. bad grant and search tools will also be covered.
True Colors: Teaching & Learning Styles
True Colors is a springboard for developing improved teaching skills, greater communication in the classroom, and positive attitudes among your students. Learn about different teaching styles and how to encourage learning and achievement. You’ll leave with the knowledge of True Colors concepts and how it applies to different temperament styles.
Support Learning through Team Building
Spend a fun and active day learning which team builders to strategically infuse in your lesson plans. You will test out several activities, discuss strategic modifications, and reflect on lessons learned.
Grow Students through Community Connections
Community Connections can easily be implemented into existing lessons or projects to help develop soft skills, known as the skills of 21st-century success and foster independent learning. You will get to put on your student hat and work through step by step activities, before taking your favorites and developing a plan to use them in your classroom.
Leveraging Social Media for the Classroom
Social Media is another tool that you can use to make your learning environment more relevant, diverse, and engaging. Learn how teachers are using social media in the classroom to make a class more interactive and how you can leverage multiple sites for education.
Free Technology for Your Classroom
We will look at a comprehensive approach to incorporating technology into activities, projects, and lessons for a 21st-century classroom. You will get to discover and tinker with free software used in EAST environment to accelerate education and critical thinking.
Adobe Photoshop for the Beginner
Adobe Photoshop offers a variety of features that allows you to create, enhance and modify amazing images. Working with photos, you will get hands-on experience in color correction, red-eye, retouching, recoloring, editing and deleting photo content, and much more!
Google Basics
Way more than a search engine, this training will introduce you to the basics of what else Google has to offer. You will learn how to customize your Google experience through the use of Permissions & Sharing, Themes, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google tools, and some very helpful Google Extensions.
Google Beyond the Basics
For current users of Google, this workshop will introduce you to different Google Apps, Extensions, and Add-ons. Learn how to strategically use these cool Google tools for your classroom!
Google Forms & Sheets
Google Forms and Sheets are two applications that can make a teacher’s work easier and more effective. You’ll learn the basics of each app and tips and tricks to help with student assessments, rubrics, quizzes, and tracking grades.
Google Add-ons & Extensions
Come to immerse yourself in all the extras that Google has to offer through Add-ons and Extensions. You will be surprised at how much you can accomplish and how much you can customize your Google experience.
Google I Certification Prep
This one-day, hands-on workshop will walk you through a variety of Google tools that you will need to know in order to successfully pass the Google Educator Level I certification. Google Docs, Drive, Slides, Sheets, Forms, Classroom, Gmail, Calendar, Groups, Sites, Hangouts, and YouTube will all be covered. Attendees need their own Google account to participate. The certification exam will not be taken as part of the workshop.
For more information please contact us at: or (501) 371-5048